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WHY HIRE A SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT COMPANY?If you want to take your social media presence to the next level and stay ahead of the competition, consider hiring a social media management company. At Crawford Creative, we have over 12 years of experience working with small businesses just like yours! If you are still on the fence, check out a few reasons why today should be the day to dive in. Your business and your bottom line will thank you!
WHY ARE THE BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA VS PRINT MEDIA?Social media is more important than print media because it has a wider reach, is cost-effective, provides instant feedback, has targeted advertising, and makes sharing easy. Stay active on social media and take advantage of all the benefits it offers!
HOW MUCH DOES SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING COST?It ultimately depends on each company's goals and objectives. You could rent a Lamborghini or a Nissan Versa. Both will accomplish the same thing, but one has more bells and whistles compared to the other. Always stay within your budget, no matter what.
CAN YOU HELP FILTER AND REMOVE SPAM COMMENTS?Although it is very tough to prevent, we monitor every post that we put up and remove/report all spam comments that come through. We also block certain users if they become a nuisance.
DO I HAVE TO LOCK IN TO A LONG CONTRACT?We offer 3 options for contract duration; 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months. During your contract period, your rate will not change. We also offer prepayment discounts for the contract length.
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